“One night I was standing with Brother Wood and Brother Sothmann, and I was looking up towards the skies. A great awe came over me, and I said, “Just look at all that great heavenly host, and everything is perfectly in harmony!”3
Harmony belongs to Jehovah, for in it He reveals both His nature (character) and relationship with His creation. As the Eternal One, He established the boundaries of a harmonious universe, joining the stars and the spheres in perfect concord with the voice of all heavenly beings. He blended the melodies of life and the rhythms of nature into an echoing chorus. Upon witnessing His handiwork, “…the morning stars sang together’ and all the sons of God shouted for joy.” (Job 38:7) His overture was being played; the Creator was worshipped by His creation, and worship brought God on the scene.
To praise God is the highest function that any creature can perform. Every living thing is enjoined to rejoice in God’s works, to make a joyful noise, sing, and perform music, which glorifies the Almighty. In eternity past, heavenly music was a duty of the anointed cherub, a being with expressed musical ability from the day of his creation (Ezekiel 28:13.15). He was perfect in all his ways, and possessed both beauty and wisdom, attributes which, by his own reasoning, made him equal to God. Thus, he desired to be worshiped equally with God – a false ambition that brought iniquity into God’s abode – and for this he was cast from heaven’s holy mountain.
“The first battle that was ever fought began in Heaven when Michael and his Angels fought against Lucifer [Satan] and his angels. Sin did not originate on earth, it originated in Heaven, and then it was thrown down from heaven – cast out of heaven to the earth – and fell on human beings.”4
From his earthly refuge, this fallen angel designed a subtle yet clever plan to corrupt God’s paradise and establish his own kingdom in its place. He could not create, but he could pervert. “What God had created for Himself, Satan came to destroy. Then the battle began here on earth, and it’s been raging ever since.”5
With great skill Satan began to flaunt sensuality as a substitute for spirituality; he elevated knowledge above revelation; he equated holiness with physical beauty. Every ability he possessed he applied to one purpose and for one goal – the seduction of human souls. What were the tools of his trade? Melody and rhythms, for Satan was a gifted musician.
Did You Know…?
The longest book in the Bible is Psalms, with 150 chapters and a total of 2,461 verses.The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalms 119, which has 176 verses.
The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalms 117, which has only two verses and a total of 32 words.
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What The Bible Teaches Us About Music