According To Church Leaders


JOHN CALVIN (Presbyterian)
“The word ‘baptism’ signifies to immerse. It is certain that immersion… was the practice of the Primitive Church.”
“Baptism is a Greek word and may be translated ‘Immerse.’ I would have those who are to be baptized, be altogether dipped.”
JOHN WESLEY (Methodist) 
“The Bible term ‘Buried with Him by Baptism’ alludes to the ancient manner of baptizing by immersion.”
WALL (Episcopal) 
“Immersion was in all probability the way in which our blessed Saviour, and for certain, the way in which all early Christians were baptized.”
BRENNER (Catholic) 
“For the first thirteen hundred years, baptism was an immersion of the person under water.”
STOUDZA (A native Greek) 
“The verb ‘baptize’ has only one meaning. It signifies to plunge. Baptism and immersion are identical. To say baptism by sprinkling would be to say immersion by sprinkling.”
JEREMIAH (A Greek Patriot) 
“The ancients did not sprinkle the candidate, but immersed him.”
WHITFIELD (Methodist) 
“It is certain that the word ‘buried’ in the text, Romans 6:4 alludes to the matter of baptizing by immersion.”

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